Air Brake

Motor Brakes

Wichita Clutch Motor Brake

If you require failsafe protection for your process equipment, look at Wichita's line of spring set motor brakes. Whether your application requires C-face mounting to the electric motor or foot mounting next to the electric motor. Wichita Clutch has the brake to solve your application problem.

    • Thicker friction disc for longer life
    • Induction hardened teeth on the hub for longer life
    • Fast acting spring set actuator for quick smooth stops
    • Low inertia designs
    Wichita Clutch
    2800 Fisher Rd.
    Wichita Falls, TX 76302 - USA
    Toll Free:1-800-964-3262
    Web: CONTACT
    Ampthill Road
    Bedford MK42 9RD - England
    Phone:+44 (0) 1234 350311
    Fax:+44 (0) 1234 350317
    Web: CONTACT